YouTube having taken down Russell Bentley’s channel, and all the media, corporate and “alternative” alike, having blacked out every voice that contradicts the “Ukraine” propaganda, I share this missive, so that NFU subscribers can make up their own minds.
WARNING – ADULT LANGUAGE. This started out as a letter to a personal friend, then I decided to broadcast it to save time. Pardon my language. Sometimes words like these are the only ones that will work in wartime.
Thanks to everybody who is keeping in touch. Your friendship really means a lot to us. Lyudmila and I are fine. We are staying in a small hostel in the city center, have mostly been here for the last month or so. Our house is very close to the Front and not too far from a major ukrop army base in Maryinka, and the artillery shells fly directly above our house in both directions every day. And every night. So far our house (and our kitties) are fine. The city continues to be shelled, daily and nightly, almost continuously, but our guys will be putting an end to the shooting, and the shooters, permanently, and pretty soon. In the meantime, people continue to live their lives as normally as they can. On Sunday March 13th, an outdoor market less than a mile from our house, where we have often shopped, was shelled with 120 mm heavy artillery. A terrorist attack on a civilian target. Luckily the attack happened at 4:15 PM. The market had closed 15 minutes earlier, but the ukrops did not know that. Or they would have fired sooner.

The very next day, Monday March 14th, at about 12:20 in the afternoon, the ukrops launched a Tochka-U ballistic missile with a 1,000 pound anti-personnel cluster bomb warhead at the Administration building in the city center. The ukrop nazis has sent text messages and posted on social media (under fake pro-DPR accounts) for mothers, wives and sisters of our soldiers to gather at the administration building at noon on Monday to get information about their men. THIS was the intended target of the missile. As many civilian women as possible. And it is not a rumor, I can confirm I have seen the text message myself sent to the daughter of one of my comrades. Our air defense intercepted the missile and prevented it from reaching the target, but some of the cluster bomb cassettes fell on University Avenue in downtown Donetsk. Twenty three people were murdered, and eighteen injured.
The goddamned Italian “newspaper” La Stampa ran a photo of the carnage AND IMPLIED IT WAS A RUSSIAN BOMB THAT KILLED UKRAINIAN CIVILIANS. Here’s the headline. (Don’t bother looking for it on Google or Duck Duck Go, they actively censor anything they consider “pro-Russian”, and it simply isn’t there. But you can find it on Yandex search engine, if you’re still allowed to use Yandex in the “Free World”, and HERE is an article about La Stampa’s lies.)

I was there, shortly after the attack and here are some photos I took. The scarf and beret belonged to the wife of the man standing in the La Stampa photo. She died. So did the whole family in the grey Audi. Husband, wife, two kids. They were just driving down the street on a sunny Monday in early Spring… And then randomly murdered, just like that.

And understand, this is not just the work of ukrop nazis. These murderers were PUT IN POWER BY THE USA, WHO ARE STILL SENDING THEM WEAPONS TODAY, AND ORDERING THEM TO “FIGHT TO THE LAST”, and even though the outcome of this war is already absolutely inevitable, they continue.
On Tuesday March 15th, the Ides of March, the ukrops bombed another open air market in Petrovsky, early in the morning. About 3 Km from our house, where Lyudmila and I have shopped countless times. Four women were killed. These ukrops know exactly what they are shooting at, know the markets are full of civilians, mostly women and children and elderly, because all the men are on the Front, fighting. It is pure terrorism and war crimes. Pure Evil. For real.
Our family has been hit by these US and ukrop nazis too, but we were lucky. Lyudmila’s Dad, who lives in an apartment, kept his car in a garage complex of about 125 garages. During shelling 3 days ago, his garage got hit by 120 mm artillery. Only his garage, the only one out of all 125 garages. The garages on either side of his were not damaged at all.

His car, a VAZ 2101 sedan, was the only car he ever owned. His Dad gave him the money for it in the 60’s and he kept it in perfect shape all his life (he’s 72 now). He was going to give that car to Lyudmila. Back during the heavy shelling in 2014, Lyudmila and her Dad even stayed in the garage for a few nights, sleeping in the car, to hide from shelling. So, actually, we were lucky we only lost metal and not meat.
As for some happy news, well, I am now known all over the world, and I mean ALL over. I am known as a Poet Warrior in South Africa, and a brave Communist Comrade in China (and I mean by millions of people in each of those countries). I have been on national TV in Australia, and even the clown Jimmy Kimmel played a 40 second video of mine on his show. The video was posted the day before on my Youtube channel. It got 150,000 views and 15,000 new subscribers in less than a day, and then of course, goddamned Youtube deleted the vid, and 2 days later, my channel. But as you can see, the Kimmel show got 1.6 million views on Youtube alone ( funny how the view number has stayed EXACTLY the same for a week now) plus a few million who watched it on TV. So, by trying to censor and delete me, they have made me famous world-wide. I can now honestly say I am a legend in more than just my own mind. Of course, I never had any idea of any of this when I came here. I thought I’d be like Crockett going to the Alamo. I did not expect to be famous or even live through that first winter. And yet here I am.
And of course, the same bastards who are trying to cut off my information from getting to the west are trying very hard to cut off all my financial support coming from the west. Guys that try to send me money now, and not just in the USA, are getting visits from gestapo type motherfuckers, asking why they’re sending money to Russell. Not to Russia, to Russell. So, I expect western funds will be drying up for good now. That’s OK. I estimate I’ve brought in almost $200,000 to Donbass since I started doing human aid, and at least 75% of it went to help the people here. When I got here in December 2014, I had about $3,000 in my pocket, and that’s about what I got now. (Lyudmila has a couple of grand of her own money she saved up from being a teacher, too.) So, I had the best 8 years of my life so far, and still have my original bankroll. I’m not too worried about finances. South Africa and China can still send money to Russia, no problem, and people there are already starting to do so. The more the gatdam nazis try to delete me, the bigger and stronger I get. I seem to recall reading something about judging a man by the power of his enemies. Well, I’ve got some big bad ones. But they are scared of me, not the other way around. Maybe they’ll put a bullet in my back one night, but even if it’s tomorrow, man, I have had one great ride this time around. But of course, I’d really like to stick around a while and see how it all turns out, and be here to see the Good Guys win.
Speaking of which, here’s what I expect to happen here in Ukraine soon. The nazis have prepared a false flag chemical attack to blame on Russia, and most idiots in the west will believe it when it happens. They are too stupid to use reason and have no critical thinking skills. Any non-idiot would certainly ask why Russia would resort to prohibited weapons when we are winning the war hands down. The depth of stupidity of anyone who could think for a second that Ukraine could hold out against Russia is beyond measure. It would literally be like thinking Mexico could defeat the USA. But once this or another false flag is done, the USA and NATO will come into Ukraine. My opinion is that Russia and the west have already made a secret deal – Russia will take as much of Ukraine as it wants, which will be everything east of a line from Chernobyl, northwest of Kiev, to the northern tip of Moldova. Russia will allow NATO to come in and save face by pretending to “stop Putin”, and they can have everything in western Ukraine, which is just empty land filled with garbage and nazis. But if NATO fires a single shot, or even throws a rock, at any Russian soldier or military asset, it’s all bets are off, WW3, and kiss your ass goodbye.
The $60,000 wild card question is just how stupid, crazy and desperate the goddamned western rulers really are. And I don’t mean the senile degenerate Biden, but his masters, the ones who own his ass and his shit-sucking soul. So, we will see what we will see. This really, really is the war of Evil against Good, and we all have to choose our side and act accordingly. I should not even have to mention that everything the western govs and MSM, are telling you, and I mean every single thing, is a damned lie. And only a shit-eater could believe any of it. Multiple times already, the goddamned western media has used photos of ukrop missiles shot at us (and the resulting carnage) and passed them off as Russian missiles attacking Ukraine. They are liars, and their father is the Devil, the father of lies.
Nothing in war goes as planned, but the outcome of the liberation and de-nazification of Ukraine is beyond any doubt. Russia will take as much of Ukraine as it wants, and neither ukrop nazis nor NATO nazis can do anything about it. The liberation is going slow because Russia is making every effort to spare civilian lives and infrastructure, and why wouldn’t they? They will have to live with Ukraine as peaceful neighbors after the liberation, and being responsible for the humanitarian situation, they will have to re-build everything destroyed. It is the Ukrainian nazis, (on orders of their US nazi masters) who are using thousands of civilians as human shields and destroying hospitals, bridges, libraries and mining everything they can, to make the reconstruction and stabilization as difficult, dangerous and expensive as possible. Of course, it only makes sense. Shit-eaters will not believe or understand.In the meantime, here in the city center, we have water and electricity most of the time, food is plentiful and still reasonably priced, gas prices are stable at about $2 per gallon. My car also runs on propane, which is 30 rubles per liter, which is just over a dollar a gallon.(Think about that next time you fill up your car.) Lyudmila and I work about 16 hours a day, and are beyond exhausted, but we keep on keeping on, because we love our work and believe in what we are doing. Working this much is hard on the body, but good for the soul. For every bad thing that happens, something good does too, and though, thank God, nothing very bad has happened to us (yet), some very good things have. So, we are OK and will be OK, and persevere. Thanks to God.
Russia has food, financial and energy security. It has the best military in the world, and the world’s most powerful ally, China. The EU is finally beginning to understand that the US is a fake friend and a real enemy, and the EU is finally starting to act accordingly. There will be a MAJOR food crisis in Europe this year, and almost certainly in the US as well. The EU will be begging Russia for food and energy before this year is over, and Russia will probably help, on the condition that they normalize relations with Russia and cut political, military and economic ties with the USA. And the EU will do it if they’re smart, and they will do it even if they are stupid, because they will have no other choice if they want to survive. The Middle East, Africa and even South America are moving closer to Russia every day. The US will be as isolated as it is well-deservedly hated, and the dollar will soon crumble to worthlessness. PREPARE.
I am sorry for the one or two percent of US citizens who are not zombie shit-eaters, hopefully they have prepared and have refuge and can stick together and help each other out. As for the other 98%, they will reap what they have sown, and get exactly what they have asked for and deserve, and to be honest, I will not be too sorry to see them starve or see them burn. Yes, I have human compassion, for humans, but these are not humans, they are zombies who have sold their souls for a Big Mac and a big screen TV, who are the absolute personification of M. Scott Peck’s definition of Evil – “Militant ignorance”. Of course, I love mercy, but I love justice even more. So let it be what it will be. And don’t forget to say your prayers.Good luck to all good people. May God protect the innocent, and may the rest of us get everything we deserve.
Best regards from the People’s Republic, see ya soon in Kiev. DAVAI!
Russell “Texas” Bentley