Note that the law forbidding medical intervention in the sexual development of children, on the grounds that the latter cannot give informed consent, applies directly to this “vaccination” program.
Lawyer Anna De Buisseret: “Deaths From Covid-19 Vaccination Program Fits the Definition of Genocide”
In an interview with Unity News Network (UNN), Senior Employment lawyer Anna De Buisseret discussed the ongoing court case regarding the decision to roll out the Covid-19 vaccines to teens and children.
The senior UK lawyer said: “We are taking it to court, proceedings have been issued for judicial review of the decision to roll out the vaccination to 16, 17, and 12 – to 15-year-old age groups.
Over the past year, De Buisseret has been working with a team of lawyers, both in the UK and internationally, to examine and analyse all of the evidence available regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and the experimental vaccines. The team of lawyers has been working with various campaign groups including HART; Covid19Assembly; World Doctors Alliance; UK Freedom Alliance; and, Us for Them.
Recently, De Buisseret challenged officers and staff outside a vaccine clinic in Brighton that was vaccinating 16 and 17-year-olds in a video that went viral on Twitter.