Is COVID-19 Over in Romania? What Americans Should Learn From the Eastern European Country

by daniel_g5 days ago5 days ago

I have an interesting report for you here.
This story comes from Romania and their latest COVID-19 developments.
First, let me give you a little background info.
Looking at the Romania Worldometer Chart, COVID-19 cases and deaths have flatlined since late May – early June.
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I’ll answer the headline question by saying COVID-19 isn’t over in Romania.
The virus still exists but the numbers have dramatically declined since Romania’s peak.

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If we follow the preferred narrative, the experimental COVID-19 jabs were responsible for this decline.
According to Our World in Data, 26% of Romanians are fully vaccinated from COVID-19.
A quick comparison of EU/EEA nations shows that Romania is the 2nd least vaccinated country out of 33.
How inconvenient for the mainstream narrative.
But it gets better.
Because Romanians stood their ground and refused the experimental jab in mass numbers, their government is starting to close down vaccination centres.
Click on the link for the rest.