Latest CCC Installment – Bad Medicine
Millions Against Medical Mandates’ Collaborative Communication Committee (comprised of over 30 people from different organizations within our movement) has been generating “packaged messages” in an attempt to reach and influence those unaware of fact-based science regarding vaccine safety and effectiveness.Here is our next message about “bad medicine,” including influenza vaccines. We are asking everyone to review the message below, extract what is relevant for your specific audience, or use the message in its entirety and send it out to your members, family, friends, followers, etc. Please help us push these messages out so more people can wake up to the deeper issues and rise up in solidarity against oppressive and unhealthy directives.
What is bad medicine? It is both the use of medical interventions that cause more harm than good as well as the failure to use helpful interventions. Moreover, “bad medicine” is the failure to personalize medicine to an individual patient’s needs. With the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 crisis that has put our nation – and much of the world – on an unending lockdown, medicine has run amuck.
Why, more than six months into this situation is Anthony Fauci just now mentioning the value of Vitamins C and D, both of which are highly protective for contracting viruses. Why wasn’t he loudly and regularly encouraging every American to protect and boost their immune systems with these widely available inexpensive (hello sunshine and Vitamin D!) vitamins from the very beginning?
Read on to learn more about bad medicine:
o Misuse and overuse of ventilators for COVID-19 patients
o SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trials
o Failure to use effective (and often inexpensive) treatments
o And maybe the biggest “bad medicine” debacle out there – the flu vaccine!
1. Over-Use of Ventilators for COVID-19 Patients was Bad Medicine
Early reports of large percentages of patients dying when placed on ventilators were deeply concerning. Doctors since have learned that not all COVID-19 patients need ventilation, that they were ventilating too many patients and too soon. Where was the precautionary principle among the panic? https://bit.ly/363aDM3; https://wapo.st/3kJa2TY
2. SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Trials are Bad Medicine
Many pages could be devoted to issues in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trials. Vaccine development is indeed proceeding at warp speed but we need to ask, at what cost? We now have serious neurological injury –including at least one case and possibly two cases transverse myelitis – in the Oxford/Astra Zeneca trials: https://nyti.ms/2FXcjMB and other significant injuries in the early Moderna trials: https://bit.ly/307MAYB We must demand greater transparency on all injuries to fully understand vaccine risks The most compelling questions are the long and short term potential harms signaled from the clinical trials:
· What impact will messenger RNA (mRNA), used in several vaccine candidates, have on vaccinated people? Even very “pro” mRNA vaccine professionals recognize that there are risks associated with mRNA vaccines – none of which has yet made it to commercial production – including, in particular, the risk of autoimmune diseases (https://go.nature.com/2EzKpFQ) – despite no evidence the public will be screened for autoimmune risks before mass vaccination.
· What about the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the manufacture of several candidate vaccines: https://bit.ly/2G0JVZT? These male and female human DNA cells in various vaccines are being questioned as possible contributors to the exponential rise in gender dysphoria: https://bit.ly/3czcZUq
· What about use of polyethylene glycol (PEG), a synthetic chemical to which over 70% of people are sensitive –a significant number sensitive to the point of risking anaphylaxis? Moderna has added this dangerous chemical to its vaccine and went so far as to warn its shareholders that use of PEG was risky to the bottom-line but does not tell clinical trial participants of the risk to them and does not test participants for PEG sensitivity. https://bit.ly/3i2YlWt Not only does PEG carry safety risks, but it may also reduce vaccine efficacy!
· What about risk of antibody dependent enhancement (or “pathogenic priming”), which creates a possibility that a vaccinated person later exposed to the disease develops far worse symptoms or even dies from a hyper-immune reaction? This risk was seen in animal trials for SARS vaccines years ago and in the recent scandal with Dengvaxia, a dengue fever vaccine, in the Philippines. https://bit.ly/33V6Q0N
· A silver lining here? The distrust surrounding the pharmaceutical industry and government has resulted in Pharma taking the unprecedented step of releasing several trial protocols but we must look at that carefully to determine if these trials were set up for “success” even if the vaccines are not actually safe or effective: https://wb.md/2S9F77f
3. Ignoring or Disparaging Good Medicine is Bad Medicine
The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA) details in their article titled “COVID 411” many specific nutrients that are among the most noteworthy preventives for boosting our immune systems before we get sick. https://bit.ly/2QMBh3d. In particular, a number of therapies and medicines, particularly when combined with zinc, are promising:
o Hydroxychloroquine: https://bit.ly/2ChKtc3; https://bit.ly/3eBTmuf; https://bit.ly/3jbGxtW
o Ivermectin: https://bit.ly/3gSnnqS; https://bit.ly/3hU0GDM; https://bit.ly/32UOn45; https://bit.ly/2YXrWtE
o Quercetin: https://bit.ly/32PwhAh; https://bit.ly/2R1oDxr
o Hinokitiol: https://prn.to/2Z1MalY; https://bit.ly/34W501O
Additionally, there are many other natural treatments and oxidative therapies (using ozone or hydrogen peroxide, for example) that doctors such as David Brownstein, MD, are using with great success: https://bit.ly/34Xz9xA; https://bit.ly/3gQU6Ne. The MATH+ protocol from the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance for severely ill patients is also an good resource: https://bit.ly/3h0Hnrr; https://bit.ly/3bjgOfP.
4. Influenza and Flu Vaccines Shenanigans are Bad Medicine
Del Bigtree really nailed the coffin on flu vaccines on the September 24,2020 episode of The High Wire, entitled, “Twindemic 2020?” Watch this episode for the most up to date information https://bit.ly/3i3iBqT – the flu issue is addressed beginning around minute 48.
The influenza vaccine’s risk/benefit ratio is high – vaccinating can cause very serious conditions, including neurological harm, autoimmune disease, and death. https://bit.ly/2RYS3wm We also know that getting a flu shot increases your risk of developing more serious non-flu respiratory infections (including some coronavirus infections). https://bit.ly/3ctdbo0 How do we justify the continued push for universal flu shots when the harm outweighs the good?
Yet, the pharmaceutical industry, with their allies in public health and at CDC, present flu as a major cause of death in the U.S., and push flu shots as if they have saved many lives. This information may help put things in perspective:
· Flu shots have caused more bad reactions than all other vaccines combined according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. “Seven out of ten petitions filed between 2016 and 2017 to the NVICP were related to damages following influenza vaccine to adults or children…” https://bit.ly/2G4XFm8
· Flu shots only prevent actual influenza A or B infections, and their effectiveness varies from 10-60% and in most years recently are under 50% effective and often under 30% effective. https://bit.ly/2FRnypY; https://bit.ly/2G4XFm8
· The CDC reported that in the 2018-19 flu season: “Among adults hospitalized for the flu, the vaccine’s effectiveness against the H3N2 strain was reported at -43 percent.” This indicates that those who got their flu shot were more likely to be hospitalized for flu than those who did not get the vaccine! https://bit.ly/2FWKoMM
· A 2009 study by the American Thoracic Society found “…children who had received the flu vaccine [trivalent inactivated flu vaccine—TIV] had three times the risk of hospitalization, as compared to children who had not received the vaccine. In asthmatic children, there was a significantly higher risk of hospitalization [all emphasis mine] in subjects who received the TIV, as compared to those who did not…” This makes the emphasis for asthmatics to take flu shots particularly alarming. https://bit.ly/3ctdMpK
· Over 80% of influenza-like illness – what people generally call “the flu” – are NOT type A or B influenza. They are viral or bacterial flu-like illnesses which are not covered by influenza vaccines. https://bit.ly/2FRnypY.
· According to the American Lung Association, flu-caused deaths, as recorded on death certificates over a 13-year period, range between a mere 257-1812 deaths per year in the entire U.S.! https://bit.ly/3652eYD (p.5).
· CDC lumps the pneumonia deaths together with flu deaths, but most pneumonia deaths are unrelated to influenza and therefore could not be prevented or lessened by a flu shot – even if they worked! https://bit.ly/3652eYD
· Universal flu shots violate science and common sense given their high risk to benefit ratio and fact that “Only about 3 percent of pneumonia and influenza deaths occurred in those under age 45.” https://bit.ly/3652eYD (p.6).
CALL TO ACTION: Contact FDA and vaccine manufacturers and demand transparency in all aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 clinical trials. Call your governor and state and federal legislators and challenge them on flu vaccine mandates.
One reply on “On the criminally Bad Medicine that’s been used under cover of COVID-19”
On the misuse of ventilators, Erin Marie Olszewski, a whistle-blower nurse, who worked in a NYC hospital, claimed that they were actually murdering people by putting them on ventilators. She said there were putting people on ventilators who did not need to be on ventilators and she seemed to say they were killed by the heavy duty medications that they were put on. Once she figured out what was going on, she tried to protect her patients from being put on ventilators. When she left one of her patients, she came back and found they had put him on a ventilator. But he was the only one who survived because he apparently had a history of heavy drug use/abuse, so the drugs they gave him didn’t knock him out, so he actually pulled the tube out by himself and left the hospital. She said by doing so, he saved his own life.
Here’s the video: https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/11/watch-perspectives-on-the-pandemic-9/
And NYC citizen journalist (youtuber), Lincoln Karim, who did a great job investigating all NYC hospitals (what he saw on the ground did NOT match the narrative put forward by the MSM), ran into an unnamed doctor leaving one of the NYC hospitals, who said something along the lines of “what you are seeing on TV is to some extent fake news…and they are bringing in doctors from far away like Nebraska, and they don’t know what they are doing and people are getting killed.” Youtube took that one down.
FWIW- Jason Goodman, another NYC citizen journalist, also went around to the NYC hospitals and what he saw did not match the narrative from the MSM. He even went to Elmhurst (“pandemic central”) and there were no signs of any kind of emergency (lots of ambulances parked, EMTs hanging out/playing on their phones, no sense of urgency, etc.) Jason noted that the person responsible for setting the narrative was Dr. Colleen Smith out of Elmhurst–her reports of “apocalyptic conditions, bodies piling up” was in the NYT and it got picked up around the world. Jason looked into her background and was suspicious of the fact that she’s a self-proclaimed “medical simulation specialist.”
From the beginning of this nightmare, citizen journalists from all over the world were filming their hospitals and they were all empty, and so were all the testing tents (props to sell the narrative).
As for the medical establishment, they are just as corrupt as the government (see James Corbett’s Rockefeller Medicine, and Eustace Mullins’ Murder by Injection)