“The greatest crime against humanity ever committed”: Dr. Reiner Fuellmisch outlines huge criminal lawsuit planned by international network of lawyers against the planners of “the Coronavirus Scandal”
One reply on ““The greatest crime against humanity ever committed”: Dr. Reiner Fuellmisch outlines huge criminal lawsuit planned by international network of lawyers against the planners of “the Coronavirus Scandal””
I’m sure you probably have seen this already but just in case you haven’t😉!! Check out: The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020. LINK: https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
PROOF, the CDC does NOT have a VIRUS!!
On page 39 in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics”. “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
So, if “quantified” means measurable? Then the CDC, currently has NO measurable amount of THE VIRUS because it is unavailable, correct??
One reply on ““The greatest crime against humanity ever committed”: Dr. Reiner Fuellmisch outlines huge criminal lawsuit planned by international network of lawyers against the planners of “the Coronavirus Scandal””
I’m sure you probably have seen this already but just in case you haven’t😉!! Check out: The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020. LINK: https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
PROOF, the CDC does NOT have a VIRUS!!
On page 39 in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics”. “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
So, if “quantified” means measurable? Then the CDC, currently has NO measurable amount of THE VIRUS because it is unavailable, correct??